
You know that Christmas is coming to Barcelona when Fira de Santa Llúcia opens?

The Fira de Santa Llúcia is an outdoor market where you find everything you need to permeate the spirit of Christmas: Clay figures for Bethlehem, mistletoe, the tree and its ornaments, crafts, drums, the “Tió” and the famous’ caganers ‘!

For the people of Barcelona is a custom to go with the kids for a walk, despite the cold, so to live and feel the Christmas atmosphere and be surrounded by good marketer. It is celebrated during the month of December (this year it starts on November 27th) in the Cathedral Square, has nearly 300 stalls and, for years, also held a replica in the Sagrada Família Square.


The earliest date that we know of the fair, is for the year 1786 and since then, no calamity, as the terrible epidemic of yellow fever that plagued city of Barcelona in 1860, did not stop the celebration. It is said that the trade show was known as «the fair of the girls» because they thought single girls were going to hunt husband, but that are old gossip …

The two “firas” open every day until December 23rd, so now you know where to buy holiday decorations ¿We begin to feel the magic of Christmas?



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La Mercè (Festes de la Mercè 2014 From September 18th to 24th) is the festival of the city and a showcase of Catalan traditions, also a unique opportunity to see in action the best street performers and enjoy good free concerts.

Legend has it that the night of September 24, 1218, the Virgin appeared simultaneously to King James I, and San Pedro Nolasco Penyafort San Ramon. The three were asked that would create an order of monks dedicated to saving Christians imprisoned by the Saracens. Those were times of religious war. Centuries later in 1687, Barcelona suffered a plague of locusts, and placed itself in the hands of the Virgin of La Mercè. Once the plague had been overcome, the Council of the City named her patron saint of Barcelona.

The last blast of summer before the autumn starts, the streets are filled with music and joy for all. La Mercè is the festival of festivals, where, in just a few days there are hundreds of activities like these:

  • BAM(Barcelona Musical Action): to hear new sounds
  • Mercè Arts de Carrer (MAC): circus arts, dance and street arts.
  • Festival of tradition: human castles, bigheads, giants and all the festive beasts of the city.
  • The Fire Festival: all kinds of sparks from the musical fireworks to the Fire Run…


With a long etcetera of more than 500 activities to everyone’s taste.La Mercè is the festival of a thousand faces. Welcome to Barcelona, welcome to La Mercè!

From the East come the Three Kings, is time of joy, excitement and magic!
One more year the Three Kings land in Barcelona bearing gifts and millions of candies to distribute!

On January 6th we celebrate the Three Kings Day Magi. One of the most anticipated days for children in Spain and many Latin American countries. According to tradition, after the birth of Jesus the Three Kings arrived from foreign countries to pay tribute and submit, to the son of God, a rich symbolic gifts: gold, frankincense and myrrh. Since then, this feast of the Three Kings is chosen for their majesties to make gift giving and hope for all children.

During Three Kings Eve, there is a parade through the city, and Barcelona is paralyzed by such an event! Pages, beautiful costumes, floats, camels and even elephants …. This is a special event taking place magnificently, as befits a Majesties that also bring toys to all children. The Three Kings come by ship and are received with honors by the Mayor and the highest authorities. For children and not children the thrill of the parade and nerves thinking about gifts make this night a memorable one …

In Altiro we hope you have been good and that you will not bring coal!
Remember, tonight’s best to leave a glass of milk and some food near the door you’d better keep them happy … Happy Three King Day!

Desde el lejano Oriente y tras un largo viaje, este domingo llegan a Barcelona los Reyes Magos, un momento de alegría, ilusión y magia!! Un año más los Reyes Magos desembarcan en la ciudad de Barcelona cargados de regalos y millones de caramelos por repartir!

El día 6 de Enero se celebra el día de los Reyes Magos. Es uno de los días más esperados por los niños de España y muchos países de América Latina. Según la tradición, tras el nacimiento de Jesús los Tres Reyes llegaron desde países extranjeros para rendir homenaje y entregar, al hijo de Dios en la tierra, unos regalos de gran riqueza simbólica: oro, incienso y mirra. Desde entonces esta festividad de los Reyes Magos es la elegida para que sus majestades hagan entrega de regalos e ilusión a todos los niños.

Durante la vigilia, la Cabalgata recorre la ciudad y Barcelona se paraliza ante tal evento! Pajes, bellos trajes, carrozas, camellos e incluso elefantes…. Se trata de un acontecimiento especial que se desarrolla fastuosamente, como corresponde a unas majestades que además traen juguetes para todos los niños. Sus majestades vienen por barco y son recibidas con honores por el Alcalde y las máximas autoridades. Para los pequeños, y no tan pequeños de la casa la emoción de la cabalgata y los nervios pensando en los regalos hacen que esta noche sea inolvidable…

En Altiro esperamos que hayáis sido buenos y que no os traigan carbón! Recordad, esta noche mejor dejar un vasito de leche y algo de comer cerca de la puerta que más vale tenerlos contentos… Feliz Noche de Reyes!


Correbarri ¿Por quién corres tú?
In Altiro Barcelona we look great this new initiative of Atlètic-Barceloneta Swimming Club and GaudiumSports, it comes the Correbarri, a small marathon, open to all with whom it is intended to involve all areas of Barcelona and become a popular sporting festival.

Do we explain how it works? It is very easy the Correbarri is an athletic career with a distance of 10 km in which all participants are part of one of the 10 teams, each team is a district of Barcelona. Thus, besides compete individually there will be a competition among the 10 districts of Barcelona: Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Sants-Montjuïc, Les Corts, Sarria-Sant Gervasi, Gràcia, Horta-Guinardó, Nou Barris, Sant Andreu and Sant Martí. I run for… Who do you run for?

You can run through the district-team you want even if you do not live in it, you can choose the one you want! It has a color assigned to each district /team  and with the registration you have a great team-colored shirt you belong, not mandatory but makes the race more fun, so put it on!

Feele pride of the neighborhood where you live, boast the cultural, historic or sporting, identified with a way of being, or simply feel sympathy for some element of the area, are some of the reasons why one chooses to run for district or another. Which one do you choose ?!

Thissecond edition of Correbarri held on Sunday October 13th, 2013 and the start of the race is at 9:30 hours in the Plaça del Mar. The entire circuit is fairly flat and runs through the district of Ciutat Vella and Port of Barcelona, passing landmarks of the city such as Columbus, the Ciutadella Park, El Born or the Promenade. Think that, besides to stay in shape, do sightseeing!

Registration can be done on.line, costs 16€ and the registration is already open (deadline on October 7, 2013 a les 23:59 hrs). All participants will receive a chip to put in the shoe, which will be returned to the organization after graduating and for convenience there is a cloakroom service at your disposal, located on the premises of Atlètic-Barceloneta Swimming Club. Good Running!

*If you want more information on running in Barcelona, I think you will like this blog: RunningBarcelona

Correbarri ¿Por quién corres tú? En Altiro Barcelona nos parece genial esta nueva iniciativa del Club Natació Atlètic-Barceloneta y GaudiumSports se trata del Correbarri una pequeña maratón, abierta a todos con la que se pretende implicar a todos los barrios de Barcelona y convertirse en una fiesta del deporte popular.

¿Os explicamos como funciona? Es muy sencillo el Correbarri es una carrera atlética con un recorrido de 10 km en la que todos los participantes forman parte de uno de los 10 equipos, cada equipo es un barrio de Barcelona. Así, además de competir de forma individual habrá una competición entre los 10 distritos barceloneses: Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Sants-Montjuïc, Les Corts, Sarrià-Sant Gervasi, Gràcia, Horta-Guinardó, Nou Barris, Sant Andreu y Sant Martí. Yo corro por… ¿Por quién corres tú?

Puedes correr por el distrito-equipo que quieras aunque no vivas en él, tú eliges el que más te apetece! Se ha asignado un color a cada distrito/equipo y con la inscripción tienes una estupenda camiseta del color del equipo al que perteneces, no es obligatoria pero hace más divertida la carrera, así que póntela!

Esta segunda edición del Correbarri se celebra el domingo 13 de octubre de 2013 y la salida de la carrera es a las 9:30 hora en la Plaça del Mar. Todo el circuito es bastante llano y transcurre por el distrito de Ciutat Vella y Port de Barcelona, pasando por lugares emblemáticos de la ciudad como Colón, el Parque de la Ciutadella, el Born o el Paseo Marítimo. Piensa que así, además de mantenerte en forma, haces turismo!

La inscripción puedes hacerla on.line, cuesta 16€ y el plazo ya está abierto (finaliza el día 7 de octubre de 2013 a les 23:59 hrs). Todos los participantes recibiréis un chip para poner en la zapatilla, que se tendrá que devolver a la organización al acabar la carrera y para más comodidad hay un servicio de guardarropía a vuestra disposición, ubicado en las instalaciones del Club Natació Atlètic-Barceloneta. Good Running!

*Si queréis más información de correr en barcelona, creo que os gustará éste blog: RunningBarcelona